Informed Consent Form (ICF)
An ICF is a document that provides potential participants with key information about the registry. This document helps potential participants to make an informed decision whether to join or not. Information will include topics such as: the risks and benefits of the research project, use of data, and participant privacy. If they choose to join the study, participants are required to electronically sign the ICF. This indicates that they agree to the terms as described before entering data into the registry or responding to surveys.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
An IRB is a board formally designated by an institution or investigator to review, approve the initiation of, and conduct periodic review of research involving people. The primary purpose of such an assessment is to assure the protection of the rights and welfare of the participants in the study. This is also known as an Ethics Committee (EC) or Research Ethics Board (REB in Canada).
Legally Authorized Representative (LAR)
An LAR is someone who is authorized under applicable law to consent and enter data in the registry on behalf of another individual. The LAR may be a parent, grandparent, spouse, caregiver, or guardian as long as they have the legal authority to grant consent on behalf of that individual. An LAR will sign up on the IAMRARE platform with a Caregiver account. When an LAR acts on behalf of a study participant, they are considered to be the reporter in the research.
National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. (NORD)
NORD, an independent nonprofit, is leading the fight to improve the lives of rare disease patients and families by supporting the rare community, its people, and organizations. NORD works together to accelerate research, raise awareness, provide valuable information, and drive public policy that benefits the estimated 25-30 million Americans impacted by rare diseases.
Learn more about NORD at
Natural History Study
A natural history study is a study designed to track the course of a disease over time. It includes people who have a specific medical condition or disease. It may also include those who are at risk of developing the condition/disease. This type of research identifies demographic, genetic, environmental and other information that may be common within the disease and its outcomes. A natural history study can also show the differences in symptoms and changes over time that are seen in different people with the same disease. Natural history studies often aim to find unknown similarities within the disease population. They have many potential uses such as patient care best practice development and clinical trial recruitment. Data for natural history studies are often collected via patient registries.
Patient Registry
A patient registry is a collection of standardized information about a group of patients who share a condition. The information may be used for a variety of purposes such as conducting natural history studies and supporting disease specific clinical trial recruitment.
Principal Investigator
The Principal Investigator (PI) is the person with the primary responsibility for the design and conduct of the research project or study. The PI is responsible for oversight of all aspects pertaining to the conduct of the Registry, its staff and the research on the data contained within.
Registry Advisory Board
A Registry Advisory Board is a committee that may include scientists, doctors, and patient advocates. They oversee the conduct of the study. The board advises on the development of surveys and reviews combined registry data and the use of this registry. They will ensure proper evaluation of all research requests for use of the registry data. They will also review any protocol or confidentiality deviations and ensure that any such deviations are reported to the IRB.
Research Study Sponsor
A Research Study Sponsor is an individual, company, institution, or organization. They are responsible for choosing appropriately trained and experienced researchers to conduct the study. They are also responsible for the initiation and management of a research study. Additionally, the sponsor is responsible for the costs associated with conducting a registry study. They ensure that the study is conducted in a reputable, ethical manner and upholds regulations as they apply to the study. The sponsor of this registry is the DCM Foundation.
Study Participant
A Study Participant is the individual about whom information is entered into the registry. In the case of an independent person of legal age, this individual will consent for and enter information about themself. If an individual is not of legal age or is an adult who requires someone to act on their behalf, a person (Caregiver/LAR, see below) who is legally responsible for their health care will provide consent and enter information about the Study Participant.