Spread Our Message and Help Save Lives!
Thank you for helping us spread the word. Together, we can make a difference. We will continue to add materials to this tool kit to help you tell our story and save lives.
See below for general instructions about how to use the items in this Tool Kit. Please also check your email for a thank you letter with instructions for use of the Advocacy Army Tool Kit. (If you didn’t receive an email, please check your spam folder.)
Specific instructions for the use of each kind of marketing piece are included within the Tool Kit.
Access all of the Advocacy Tool Kit contents by clicking HERE!
Advocacy Army Tool Kit
Thank you for helping us spread the word about cardiomyopathy and the need for genetic testing. This is a battle for increased awareness to help save lives.

Please join us by doing the following to spread the word:
- Click HERE to access the Tool Kit and follow the instructions for using the Tool Kit elements.
- Like our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/GeneticCardiomyopathyAwareness
- Follow us on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/geneticcardiomyopathyawareness/
- Share our posts on your personal feed.
- Share our posts in cardiomyopathy-related Facebook groups
- Make your own personal posts using our images / videos / messaging.
- Print and share our PDFs with your cardiologist’s office or heart failure center and ask them to be made available to cardiomyopathy patients.
- Attend our webinars to stay informed.
- Sign up to receive our emails. https://geneticcardiomyopathy.org/sign-up/
- Have conversations with your family and encourage them to get genetically tested.