Did You Know?
Nearly 50% of all cardiomyopathy cases in the United States are inherited, but only 1% of cardiomyopathy patients get genetically tested. Help us save lives!

Are You Outside the United States?
If you’re located outside of the United States, please visit the Global Heart Hub website for information about genetic testing and resources.
Visit Global Heart Hub Website
Knowledge is Power
That’s what we believe at the Genetic CardioMYopathy Awareness Consortium.
Maybe you’ve just learned that you or a family member has been diagnosed with a genetic (sometimes called inherited) heart condition, like cardiomyopathy. Now, what do you do? How do you talk to your doctor, your family or your loved ones?
Knowing there may be a genetic heart condition that runs in your family, the next steps you take could help save your life and the lives of your family. Early genetic testing and diagnosis create better opportunities for you and your family to manage cardiomyopathy.
How do you know if you are at risk for genetic cardiomyopathy? Genetic testing is a simple and reliable way to find out.
Learn More About Genetic Testing